Definition of an KauZZuZ™ “Participant”

This isn’t change for the sake of change, rather it is change due to unrelenting and worsening circumstances affecting Struggling Americans. Corporations continue to grow increasingly top-heavy with the CEO, stockholders, and profits, as the exclusive focus, forcing the transition of employees to an often regretted necessity rather than recognized as valuable to the enterprise’s success.

Thus corporations nowadays seek to replace employees with software, technology, robots, Artificial Intelligence,third-world labor, reduce wages, cut, benefits while pressing for more output in order to better enrichen the corporation and its stockholders.

Thus the relationship between the corporation (and its stockholders) to the employees has gone from “family” and mutual respect, to nowadays the corporation and its stockholders maintaining an adversarial (opposing and sometimes contemptuous) regard for employees and their wages, hours, benefits and even job security.

Any overtures made to you by politicians, even the most sincere politicians about how they, if elected, will or can make socio-economic conditions better is no more dependable than treating a compound fracture with Calamine Lotion.

There is no voting lever available, nor any single individual powerful enough to prevail against the big corporate players who essentially own the playing-field(s).

Life and economic survival for Struggling Americans,becomes just that, a constant work-strife just to survive and pay the most basic bills, leaving you with a “no-frills” existence (life).

While most Americans think that voting will ultimately bring about relief, in actuality voting plays no role in America’s economic picture. Occasionally there’s a lonesome criticism leveled at American Caplitalism.

In the case of KauZZuZ™ American Capitalism is treated like the energy of electricity that comes into your home. That electricity is controlled, by insulators, voltage regulators, switches and such so that it serves you and powers modern conveniences.

In a similar fashion, KauZZuZ™ applies a beneficial control to the overwhelmingly popular and successful American Capitalism, so that capitalism’s success is shared and not disproportionately and essentially only serving those at the “headquarters” of corporations.

KauZZuZ™ simply saw clearly what was necessary; essentially a simple correction, readily performed. KauZZuZ™ uses a form of capitalism where we visualized merging the positions of employee and stockholder and their pay.

By beginning anew with this fundamental change, a company or corporation can be built where there’s harmony, unity, internal goodwill, family and economic security.

This newly created position results in what we call your being a “Participant”, wherein you automatically are included in KauZZuZ™’s success.